28 January 2018. Today we had 19 children in Primary counting the little nursery age boys. I took a snap of all of them because I am not sure who will be there next week for our last week and wanted a picture of this group.
Sister Mattu is a counselor in the Primary Presidency and a very talented lady. She is a seamstress and she also made these beautiful wraps for me. When she gave them to me she said, " I made these for you so when you make food for your friends you can wrap these around the food to keep it warm." They put their food in big plastic bowls here and wrap these around the food to keep it warm and keep the dust and bugs out. They they put the big bowls on their heads and carry them. I was so touched. She is the sweetest lady and so beautiful. She has the biggest smile. I love her dearly and will miss her.
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