This is the Godriech chapel we went to church at a couple of weeks ago. We had never been there before and Brent got directions from the Elders how to get there. They told us it was a gold, two story building and it was. You can see the sign out front with the Palm tree in front of it. We couldn't find it so we called Elder Kochevar and he got on google maps and we were telling him the color of roofs and he was looking on the computer. I told him there were 3 red roofs and he saw them and said we were almost there. We did find it, but we were about 20 minutes late. It was an adventure. 
I am standing in the front of the building and Brent is standing in the back of the building in the top picture. Behind him on the hillside are piles and piles of rock that the people spend all day breaking up by hand. They take a big hammer and just hammer the rocks to break them into small pieces that they use as road base. These children were so cute. I sang" Do as I'm Doing" with them and then they said they had a song for me, so I asked them to sing it. They sang, "The 12 Days of Christmas" for me and they knew every word. They were so darling. They didn't even know how much I love Christmas, but Heavenly Father knows and gave me a tender mercy that day.
This is James, one of our guards who tilled Brent's garden. He has been assigned somewhere else and came just to see how the garden was coming and wanted a picture. The garden is growing well.
The tree outside our front window is getting more and more blooms on it as the rains come.
This is a pineapple we bought in a street market. The pineapple and mango are delicious right now and they are not very pricey.
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