Wednesday 1 March 2017 waiting on the dock at Sea Coach for our Visitors. Sister McConkie (General YW first counselor) and her husband, Sister Jones(General Primary President) and her husband, Elder Nash(counselor in the Africa West Area presidency) and his wife. It was a perfect day in Sierra Leone. There was such a nice breeze coming off the ocean.
Brent and Ali Kargbo. Ali is the Branch President of Jui Branch in the Kossoh Town District and he works for the mission. He is invaluable to us and we love him dearly. We love his wife and family also. They are both returned missionaries and kingdom builders here in Sierra Leone. He went with us this day. Brent was a back up driver and Ali drove the luggage for our visitors.
A boat that went by while we were waiting. It was a nice afternoon.
Thursday 2 March 2017. Brent and I with our Elders leaving from Sierra Leone today. They went with us to the Stake Center and the office Elders took them to Sea Bird about 12:30. Elder Kamara is next to Brent and Elder Steven is next to me. They are both going to the Nigeria Enugu mission.
Leonard is one our guards. He is assigned to the Stake Center right now and we miss him in our compound, but he will be back. He was at the Stake Center for our meeting on Thursday and wanted a picture with Brent. He was a lot of help that day.
Our beloved Upgun Family. President James Rowe,(our Branch President) is by Brent. Sister Fotmata Conteh is by me, you can only see her face. She is my sister in Primary and she is amazing. The sister in front of her is Zainab Kamara and she serves in YW. The sister next to Brent also serves in YW. I am not sure about the other 2, but they were from Upgun at the meeting. I have not seen them at church, but it was good to have them come to this meeting. We do love these people!
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